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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Denver Nuggets: Jonah Donaghy, 3/17/2016

Thank you everyone for reading my previous posts, and for the feedback. I will continue to work on making better more interesting posts. Saying that lets get down to business and talk about my favorite team in Denver, the Nuggets. I know, I know, but the broncos are actually good and its bronco’s country, but there is just something about the nuggets, when I talk about how Colorado sports are fast paced, I’m talking about the nuggets and how they outpace just about every team here at home. I grew up watching Carmelo and Iverson as they used to battle it out against the best teams in the west and against the refs because of their bad boy attitudes. They’re used to be an aura around the team of pure excitement as to how far they can go. Now when I look at the Nuggets and their fans I don’t get the same kind of aura, it’s kind of a stuck feeling. It’s a feeling of being extremely talented but just not enough.

I personally am very happy with our roster, and I’m proud that we can be as good a team as we have been, without a superstar. I believe they can have incredible success if they truly wanted to. Which I think is starting to happen, they have developed a good young core group in Mudiay, Barton, Harris and both Jokic and Nurkic. If this group stays together for a couple seasons, the sky is the limit for this group   but as for this season it’s a little late with less than 10 games left in the season. Thought this will help for seasons to come, I believe this can not only help make the already existing team better, but future players coming into Denver as well. It may not be the free agent lure like media epicenters in LA or NY but Denver is an up and coming city and with a good group of guys willing to stick around the city like the group Denver has now, it might just tempt a big name into joining a good team willing to pay the big bucks for top level talent.

As for the team now, it’s a really good group of guys that any team would love to have in their locker rooms, especially playoff contenders. This group of guys includes, Mike Miller, Darrell Arthur, Jameer Nelson, DJ Augustine and Danillo Gallinari who are all great veterans that any contender team would like to have backing up or even playing starter minutes. But this group is reportedly really into what the Nuggets are doing and where they are heading as a team. If a group of guys like that is saying they wish to stay here, that’s a very good sign for what’s to come.

Which for someone outside the league it might not look so good, typically having a group of veterans who barely see the court due to injuries or not having the spark anymore isn’t a good thing, but these players aren’t at the end of their careers they still have several years to come, other then maybe the exception Mike Miller, and they are teaching these young guns everything they know. They are teaching them everything from how to handle life in the league to what kind of passes to make and when. Giving these really young group of guys a hand up and making sure they don’t make the same mistakes.

To many people that doesn’t mean much, heck LeBron James never needed tutoring he was destined to be an all-star no matter who he was around. But for a nuggets team who just last year had a PG get two DUI’s in the same season, this is a much needed change. Everyone knew about the party culture of Ex Nuggets players, and that culture transferred around even after those players where gone. But that’s starting to change and players are starting to look a lot more like professionals and helping out in the community more than ever.

All in all I really like what the nuggets have got going on with their team, Players maybe leaving this coming season but I believe that no matter what this season was a stepping stone to a much larger staircase that will hopefully bring us back to before the Melo trade and back into the playoffs.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jonah I enjoyed reading your post! My boyfriend is Gary Harris's cousin. Before I met him I was not interested much in sports but now I have gained a different perspective with understanding the game of basketball. We talk a lot about the Gary's growth with the nuggets and how many shots he makes per a game now versus when he first started. The difference is a positive enhancement to how he plays this season. And you are right the team they have right now is pretty solid. They have only gotten better. I think its cool that your family loves the Nuggets even before they lived here!
