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Monday, March 13, 2017

Broncos Free Agency- 3/13/2017

            As Free Agency gets into full swing in the NFL, It’s about time to get back to maybe one team that lays closest to not just my heart, but probably the entire state of Colorado’s. Its Broncos time, and this year is looking like an exciting one! Like most years this team is a big news team, they always seem to be linked to big name free agents exploring during the off-season, and this off-season is no different. From the possible signing of another old leader looking for a comeback (Peyton Manning) in Tony Romo, to the release of big name tackle Russell Okung freeing up tons of cap space for “The Legend” GM John Elway to work his magic comparable to when he signed T.J Ward, Talib, and Sanders in one go. As a Bronco Fan it’s exciting to see what happens, but before anything big happens I want to express my concerns for the team and where I think they should look as the Free agency frenzy continues.

            For starters, I want to be very clear in saying I do not want Tony Romo on the Broncos! I’ve watched Tony for many years as my second team in this league is the Giants, Conference rivals of the cowboys his entire career. It’s not my bias that I don’t want him because he is a Cowboy, but from watching him over all these years I’ve made a few conclusions about him witch have stood through time. Those conclusions are, 1) He’s brittle, you cannot rely on him to finish a full season even with a line as stout as Dallas’s, and 2) he is a choke artist, just like our once favored Jay Cutler he just cannot finish the games that really matter. That’s not what the Broncos are looking for right now, they want someone who can take some hits with the inexperience of the Line and last the game to pull out a W with the defense putting in the brunt of the work keeping the opponents from scoring. This could work out already with some of the players on the roster, I know Semian isn’t who Broncos fans want to see under center next season, but in John Elway I trust and if he wins out over Paxton Lynch plus whoever they can add over the Off-season, then in Semian I trust. He is gun slinger and he can hold his own on occasion, if he can work that into consistent production then It’s up to the Defense to keep the scores low enough for him to go to work.  But it’s not going to be the QB position that up lifts this team back into supremacy, it’s going to be the guys added to the line and at RB that will really make difference.

             This year is time for the Broncos to get back to running, they need to add some beef to the RB position, punishing opposing lines is the key to opening up WR’s and if they can get the pass game ticking at a rate close to the last time Mike McCoy ran this Offense then they would be scary! Too help this happen I call upon “The Legend” to bring in a top Running back, one who will change the game here in Denver, Adrian Peterson! This would be a huge deal! Broncos have been looking for a RB who could officially replace the stigma that the Broncos have no run game. Ever since the great Terrell Davis the Broncos haven’t had someone who we could rely on to put the ball in the end zone, AP is just the guy to come in and do that. He has multi-2,000 yard seasons and probably one of the better RB careers in the NFL. He is a “Legend” in his own right and he could bring the Broncos back into contention faster than any other free agent pickup. I know this is unlikely to make it to the Broncos Head Office but if it does I urge them to consider this game changing move. Of course he would be a pretty penny, but I think his skills and ability are second to none!

            It was disappointing to see my beloved team play the way they did last year, with a lackluster offense that shined maybe twice in the entire season, but I have more faith in this season and I think it is time for Broncos fans to gear up for an exciting season. Whether or not we pull in a big name like AP, or even Romo, this season will be very exciting. And I look forward to covering them throughout the rest of the off-season as they make big moves, draft the biggest prospects in college, and get into training camp.

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