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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Draft Lottery Update

          So the Nuggets find themselves with the 13th overall pick in the 2017 NBA Draft, it was near impossible for them to move up from where we were so this came as no surprise they ended up in this position. It does come as a bummer because it does remind us Nuggets fans how close they truly where to being in the Playoffs, but gaining a valuable asset is a lot easier to swallow then getting more than likely swept by the GSW’s. Though I don’t want the Nuggets to use this pick necessarily in the Draft, I would like to see this pick used in a trade to pick up someone with more value, like say Paul George, or Jonathan Simmons who has sparked recently for the Spurs. Denver already has plenty of young talent, and thinking about adding yet another young prospect that needs to grow doesn’t help the Nuggets on their way to the Playoffs. Sure there are plenty of talent the Nuggets could pick up in this draft, players like OG Anunoby, and Justin Jackson who could add to the “Talent Pool” the Nuggets are gathering but as a Nuggets fan I just think its overkill. We want to see the Nuggets front office as dedicated to winning as the fans are to seeing them win, we want to get excited over the summer, and we want a reason to come see the Nuggets play next season! We’ve seen how well that works out with even picking highly coveted players like Mudiay and Harris who might have brought some minor excitement, but not enough to fill seats at Pepsi Center. The Nuggets have plenty of cap space, especially if Gallo leaves and Mike Miller retires. Imagine if we could fill those important spots with players like Millsap or Lowry, we would become a serious playoff contender rather than a 8th spot hopeful.

        We Nuggets fans are looking for something big this off-season, Jokic is slowly turning into the NBA’s best center and they have to “maximize the asset”! We need to pick up down low defenders like Noel, Ibaka, or even Chris Bosh, to ease the defensive pressure on the Joker, and keep the progression of Gary Harris and Jamal Murray on course as they are also turning into stars for their positions in their own rights.  This is what I’m looking for the Nuggets to do this summer, and I hope to see some of it come to fruition. 

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