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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Draft Lottery Update

          So the Nuggets find themselves with the 13th overall pick in the 2017 NBA Draft, it was near impossible for them to move up from where we were so this came as no surprise they ended up in this position. It does come as a bummer because it does remind us Nuggets fans how close they truly where to being in the Playoffs, but gaining a valuable asset is a lot easier to swallow then getting more than likely swept by the GSW’s. Though I don’t want the Nuggets to use this pick necessarily in the Draft, I would like to see this pick used in a trade to pick up someone with more value, like say Paul George, or Jonathan Simmons who has sparked recently for the Spurs. Denver already has plenty of young talent, and thinking about adding yet another young prospect that needs to grow doesn’t help the Nuggets on their way to the Playoffs. Sure there are plenty of talent the Nuggets could pick up in this draft, players like OG Anunoby, and Justin Jackson who could add to the “Talent Pool” the Nuggets are gathering but as a Nuggets fan I just think its overkill. We want to see the Nuggets front office as dedicated to winning as the fans are to seeing them win, we want to get excited over the summer, and we want a reason to come see the Nuggets play next season! We’ve seen how well that works out with even picking highly coveted players like Mudiay and Harris who might have brought some minor excitement, but not enough to fill seats at Pepsi Center. The Nuggets have plenty of cap space, especially if Gallo leaves and Mike Miller retires. Imagine if we could fill those important spots with players like Millsap or Lowry, we would become a serious playoff contender rather than a 8th spot hopeful.

        We Nuggets fans are looking for something big this off-season, Jokic is slowly turning into the NBA’s best center and they have to “maximize the asset”! We need to pick up down low defenders like Noel, Ibaka, or even Chris Bosh, to ease the defensive pressure on the Joker, and keep the progression of Gary Harris and Jamal Murray on course as they are also turning into stars for their positions in their own rights.  This is what I’m looking for the Nuggets to do this summer, and I hope to see some of it come to fruition. 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Denver Nuggets Vs. Los Angeles Lakers Postgame Report-3/13/2017

Starting the game off the Nuggets came out seeming ready to go to war with a young and restless team in the Lakers. Both teams started out playing pretty decent defense, the Lakers even lead at a few points in the first quarter, mostly from the production by Jordan Clarkson, a deadly shooter who started out the season behind D'Angelo Russell but started tonight. Though the Lakers looked early like they came to play there play diminished dramatically once the Nuggets began to tick behind Jokic and Barton, who together combined for 40 points, 10 assists, 11 rebounds at the end of the game. But this night was all about" the Joker", as this was Jokic's first game on National Television and broadcasters jumped on the opportunity to showcase him as his stardom rises. Clearly Jokic is one of the best Centers in the League at this point, but it's really nice to see him get that credibility from Big names like Shaq, and Derek Fisher who Broadcasted the game. During the Broadcast Shaq went on record saying Jokic is the "Full Package", with his ability to score, dribble, rebound, just about everything. But it wasn’t all talk, the big man was producing while the praise continued, he finished the night with 18 points, 4 assists and 9 rebounds, just one away from his 30th double-double in the season. I guess we'll have to wait until the Clippers for that.  
Like most recent games by the Denver Nuggets this was a very productive game. By the 3rd quarter all starters had more than 10 points, 2 assists and 2 rebounds. Of course this was a blowout game and it did seem like the Lakers had given up pretty much at Halftime, so excessive production is expected, but this team looked so good and they are looking better and better every game they get closer to the playoffs. One player who really took my attention though was Mason Plumlee, as it seem like he has officially established himself in the rotation and in the team. He was flying high with nearly all his baskets being dunks, which is fine with me as they are the highest percentage shot a big man can take. Gallinari also had a great game as he continues with probably the best season he's had since his early Knick and Nuggets days. This team is prime and ready for the Playoffs, and interestingly enough it seems from a Kenneth Faried Sideline report  as though they're hoping they face off against the dreaded Warriors, as the scars from the last Nuggets playoff appearance are still are still visible and they look to get revenge. I love the way they look forward to the challenge rather than most team in this situation, most teams under the Nuggets would love to be in the 8th spot come Playoff time, but I doubt any are as willing and ready to accept that challenge as the Nuggets are right now. 

Broncos Free Agency- 3/13/2017

            As Free Agency gets into full swing in the NFL, It’s about time to get back to maybe one team that lays closest to not just my heart, but probably the entire state of Colorado’s. Its Broncos time, and this year is looking like an exciting one! Like most years this team is a big news team, they always seem to be linked to big name free agents exploring during the off-season, and this off-season is no different. From the possible signing of another old leader looking for a comeback (Peyton Manning) in Tony Romo, to the release of big name tackle Russell Okung freeing up tons of cap space for “The Legend” GM John Elway to work his magic comparable to when he signed T.J Ward, Talib, and Sanders in one go. As a Bronco Fan it’s exciting to see what happens, but before anything big happens I want to express my concerns for the team and where I think they should look as the Free agency frenzy continues.

            For starters, I want to be very clear in saying I do not want Tony Romo on the Broncos! I’ve watched Tony for many years as my second team in this league is the Giants, Conference rivals of the cowboys his entire career. It’s not my bias that I don’t want him because he is a Cowboy, but from watching him over all these years I’ve made a few conclusions about him witch have stood through time. Those conclusions are, 1) He’s brittle, you cannot rely on him to finish a full season even with a line as stout as Dallas’s, and 2) he is a choke artist, just like our once favored Jay Cutler he just cannot finish the games that really matter. That’s not what the Broncos are looking for right now, they want someone who can take some hits with the inexperience of the Line and last the game to pull out a W with the defense putting in the brunt of the work keeping the opponents from scoring. This could work out already with some of the players on the roster, I know Semian isn’t who Broncos fans want to see under center next season, but in John Elway I trust and if he wins out over Paxton Lynch plus whoever they can add over the Off-season, then in Semian I trust. He is gun slinger and he can hold his own on occasion, if he can work that into consistent production then It’s up to the Defense to keep the scores low enough for him to go to work.  But it’s not going to be the QB position that up lifts this team back into supremacy, it’s going to be the guys added to the line and at RB that will really make difference.

             This year is time for the Broncos to get back to running, they need to add some beef to the RB position, punishing opposing lines is the key to opening up WR’s and if they can get the pass game ticking at a rate close to the last time Mike McCoy ran this Offense then they would be scary! Too help this happen I call upon “The Legend” to bring in a top Running back, one who will change the game here in Denver, Adrian Peterson! This would be a huge deal! Broncos have been looking for a RB who could officially replace the stigma that the Broncos have no run game. Ever since the great Terrell Davis the Broncos haven’t had someone who we could rely on to put the ball in the end zone, AP is just the guy to come in and do that. He has multi-2,000 yard seasons and probably one of the better RB careers in the NFL. He is a “Legend” in his own right and he could bring the Broncos back into contention faster than any other free agent pickup. I know this is unlikely to make it to the Broncos Head Office but if it does I urge them to consider this game changing move. Of course he would be a pretty penny, but I think his skills and ability are second to none!

            It was disappointing to see my beloved team play the way they did last year, with a lackluster offense that shined maybe twice in the entire season, but I have more faith in this season and I think it is time for Broncos fans to gear up for an exciting season. Whether or not we pull in a big name like AP, or even Romo, this season will be very exciting. And I look forward to covering them throughout the rest of the off-season as they make big moves, draft the biggest prospects in college, and get into training camp.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Forgive and Forget- 3/7/2017

           Since the Infamous deal that sent the beloved Carmelo Anthony and Chauncey Billups to New York, Denver has actually done far better than expected record wise, but now however face an entirely different monster. Since the Nuggets big deal they’ve continuously lost fans and are now facing somewhat of a drought. Even with the rising stardom of current Nuggets Nikola Jokic, and Jamal Murray, the nuggets still can’t seem to get fans into the Pepsi Center. This is a big problem that the nuggets front office just doesn’t know how to fix. They’ve done everything from increasing the amount of Promo games, selling tickets for as cheap as $15, and multiple Commercials, but it just doesn’t seem to help. This has really made me question the Nuggets fan base, what happened to them, and why don’t they go to the games like they used to?

            It turns out the Fans from yesterday’s past, where the same as the ones following the Warriors now, Bandwagoners! Back when we had a more then popular team developed around the Superstar Carmelo Anthony, who was selected 3rd overall in 2003, we also had a more then supportive fan base which made it difficult for any team to come outplay the nuggets on their home turf. But unfortunately Denver was too much of a “cow town” and our superstar betrayed us for better media outlets. Yes Betrayed! That’s how I felt after that deal. But its Nuggets fans who get the Last Laugh as we have all seen Carmelo’s career go from greatest scorer in history, to a truly disappointing offensive threat. I say this simply because if Melo stayed in Denver he most likely would have multiple titles under his belt, and the love of an entire city. Instead he is now on his 6th season away and has nothing to show for it but a ton of rumor drama and a really bad reality TV show (La la’s full court life). But he can take more credit for what he did in Denver, and that was ruin the nuggets fan base for years to come.

            At this time the Nuggets and their fans should be able to forget Carmelo. Even with the greatness he possessed, we now possess even greater. Nikola Jokic is far better than Carmelo Anthony ever wished he was, but for some reason that still has yet to sink in for Nuggets fans, as they still aren’t going to the games. This is a conundrum that must be figured out if the Nuggets ever want to pick up where they were before the Melo trade. Of course an ever impending matchup against the Infamous Golden State Warriors during the First round of the playoff will eventually bring people to come watch a few games. But that won’t supplement the ever waning nuggets fans, unless they pull a magic trick out the hat and shock the world by beating 1st overall seed, which seems nearly impossible. So what else can this team do to get back its former glory stolen away from it?

            So far the answer to that problem has solely rested on the Shoulders of Nikola Jokic and his success as one the League’s elite foreign players. He’s already taken his Native country Serbia over with his popularity, as Serbians all over the United States flock to his games, to catch a glimpse at the Future Star. Now it’s time for it to invade Colorado, and hopefully fill out the Pepsi Center. In order to show the League, who has numerously rebuked Denver as a “fly-by” city, most recently when Paul George declined being traded to the Nuggets, saying he would simply leave for L.A as soon as he could. This type of narrative would have never occurred under Melo, when we had world class free agents flock to Denver including Allen Iverson, Chauncey Billups and Kenyon Martin. For some reason they were able to look past Denver’s supposed Cow town title, and come play ball. I hope one day Nikola can do that, tempt other great players to com play with him, and maybe one day the negative narrative placed upon Denver will forever be supplemented by the greatness of the game.

I know the title of this post says forgive and forget, but that is just too hard to do as a nuggets fan. But from here on out, I challenge myself to forgive Carmelo Anthony, even though he totally ruined the Nuggets and ultimately his Career. Also to forget all the negative stereotypes placed upon Denver and hope someone can realize the greatness that basks in that city!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trade Deadine, and going all In on these Nuggets!

            It’s that time of the season again, the most exciting time in the NBA, other then the Playoffs. In the past it’s been packed with massive deals including one that changed the Denver Nuggets forever. When Carmelo Anthony was traded to the Knicks, it was devastating to many Nugget fans, though many fans shrug it off as if it wasn’t that big of a deal, especially since we set a single season record afterword’s with an incredible team including Andre Iguodala, that went for 57 wins and was expected to make deep into the west with the 1st seed, just like the warriors today, and the warriors where 8th, just like the nuggets today. I don’t know if you knew where I was going there, but the warriors upset the nuggets with the 8th seed, and that exactly where the nuggets and the warriors are positioned today but vice versa. The nuggets had a rather surprising start to this Trade deadline hoopla, when they traded for athletic big man Mason Plumlee, who looks to be very promising, and the nuggets are expected to attempt to extend his contract for he might make a great starter next to Jokic, or become a great bench player adding energy and versatility to the center position. Though the Nuggets made another move which just a year ago would have thrown Nuggets fans into a tizzy, picking up former All Star center Roy Hibbert. He has been on a downfall since his move to the Lakers, and though has made several great performances, just fell out of his former glory he once had paired with Paul George, who the Nuggets also reportedly went all in for with little return but a somewhat embarrassing denial. I know it is business to deny trades, especially if they seem unfit, but it seemed as though it was more the Pacers saving the Nuggets the time of trying to re-sign him then them not liking the deal.

Being an NBA fan this Deadline is somewhat of a disappointment, not for the Nuggets who actually had one of the better deadlines then anyone, picking up two legit centers to compete with an ever contentious division, but for the hype that comes every year’s trade deadline this was seemingly eventless. With under five major trades, including the two deals Denver made this year didn’t make that big of an impact. Many teams where expected to go “All-In”, including the Celtics and Nuggets, who both have a mass of assets and are looking to add All-Star to further compete in their current positions of the playoffs. One major trade that blew the top off the NBA world, was the Pelicans Trade for Demarcus Cousins for Buddy Heild and a few other Pelicans player, who will help the Kings in their rebuild this season. This move had major impacts on the Nuggets as they are the current 8th seed, and the pelicans who are just a few games behind added another piece which could throw them into the contention for that spot. That’s where Hibbert comes in, the Nuggets made a small but impactful move in grabbing Hibbert for “very protected 2nd round pick”. He has been a Monster on the defensive side for years, the Nuggets are one of the worst defensive teams for years, putting him at least on my radar for years.

Yes, many where expecting a big trade, one that would change Nuggets fortunes for years, throw them into Title contention, but that wasn’t going to happen this year, and the Nuggets made the best moves to keep them in the Playoff race, to bring back the Nuggets crowds which used to fill the Pepsi Center game in and game out. Sure it’s not going to happen immediately, the nuggets are one of the lowest in crowd attendance, but if the nuggets fight the rest of this season, make the 8th seed and battle the Warriors in the playoffs, the Pepsi Center will fill. Though I don’t question trading for Hibbert, I do question what this means for Jokic. Not performance wise, I now he will get his minutes no matter who’s on the roster, but I wonder if this mean they dedicated to making Jokic a Starting Power Forward, Starting Plumlee and having Hibbert come off the bench. This would make since, as Jokic is somewhat of an undersized Center, and if we got a someone who could takeover that position and work with Jokic well maybe he could move to the PF position and be able to dominate the smaller players for rebounds and extend it out to the three more often.

We’ll see how this turns out, I think the addition of Hibbert could be a good counter-balance for the Pelicans addition of Cousins. Nuggets still have a lot of assets come this Summer and could make a move for the Draft, but for now it’s time to just let the Nuggets team groove it out, make a run for the playoffs, and return this team to its former glory days. I know fans are out there, they are watching and waiting, and it just might be time to go all in on this team. It’s not just up to the player, or the coaches, they need to have a fan base to play for, lets show them were here and well stay as long as they keep they’re winning mentality going and enter the Playoffs to contend the best team in the League, Golden State! Here we come, they take us like a joke, just as we took them back a few years ago. It’s our time, but the fans need to go all in with this team, filling that Arena would be Step One.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Nuggets Trade Alert! 2/12/17

Big news coming out today, According to reports the nuggets have reportedly traded for 26-year-old Center Mason Plumlee, a 2018 2nd round pick, and some cash from the Portland Trailblazers, for 3rd year Center Jusuf Nurkic and a first round pick.  This is huge for the nuggets! Plumlee is 6-1, 255-pound big man with passing ability, but is better known for his powerful dunks, as he participated in the Dunk Contest as a Net, his first few years. He’s a consistent, reliable player with plenty of experience, playing with Hall Famers Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce. I mean sure Plumlee isn’t the Superstar going to take us deep into the Playoffs, I don’t think. What gets me excited about this move though is Nuggets really improved the center position behind Jokic, and he fit in really well with his passing skills and his athletic ability which the Nuggets are really missing at the Center position. It just didn’t seem as though Malone was set with him, even playing Darrell Arthur at Center before even considering Nurkic. Over the last month his presence on the court has been more of a rare siting, which hasn’t necessary been a bad thing. Though Nurkic coming into the league was as a very promising prospect, with his Monstrous body and relatively quick reflexes for his size, he also showed a pretty nice complimentary mid-range shot. He just didn’t have the skills to match Jokic, but very few centers in the league do. It put Nurkic in a position where he either had to choose to adapt behind Jokic, or ask for a trade.

            I’m not saying that Nurkic asked for this trade, but it did take him just too long to adapt to the current conditions. Leading to why Plumlee will be a great fit for the nuggets. He’s an athletic Big-man with the capability to come out and back-up Jokic and have similar production. He averages 4 Assists a game, allowing the nuggets to keep the passing and motion consistent throughout the game, not just when Jokic is on the court. Plumlee also averages 11.1 ppr., 8 rpg., and 52.3% Shooting percentage, all really great numbers that will come in really handy as the season wears on. He has physicality and athletic ability which most big men lack and either lean on either direction being mainly physical or vice versa. Plumlee is a legit center, and has the ability to back up Jokic, or allow Jokic to move to Power forward giving him a smaller defender which in turn will allow him more rebound opportunities. We all know moving Jokic to Power Forward under Nurkic at Center didn’t work, but with Plumlees’ passing and rebound ability Jokic could sit out at the three and wait for dishes by Plumlee for easy 3’s, or even play a big man pick and roll letting jokic either dish it to a screening plumlee, or kick out for a shot or pass to an open shooter. I know a big man pick and roll sounds silly, one of the points of having it run through the point and center positions is for defender switches which usually leave one defender mismatched with an either much larger or much smaller man to guard. But with Jokics’ passing ability he could run the play just like any point guard, maybe even better as he can see passing lanes most point guards can’t. This might not ever happen and the once touted twin towers is just a thought from the beginning of the season, but it would be cool to see. 

            Plumlee is a Free agent next season, and will have the option to leave, and the nuggets will have a chance to either give him another offer or let him walk at the end. Most people wouldn’t approve of trading for a player who can just up and leave the next season, but in the end It works well for the Nuggets. Plumlee is a legitimate Starter and seeing him walk to another team offering a starting position and higher salary would not be a surprise, but he may just like it here in Denver and his role. He will have a chance to play decent minutes with no other legitimate center on the roster. Nuggets will be able to deepen their center position as they approach the playoffs, and they’ll get a more then good look at Plumlee to decide on whether they want to extend him.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

And were back!

Jonah Donaghy- 1/26/2017

                 It has been awhile since I wrote anything about the sports here in Denver, even though I did promise to get some out sooner, I just never felt inspirited after possibly the most disappointing Broncos Season in a while, and a seemingly similar season for the Nuggets and the Avalanche as the last few disappointing ones which has devastated the both teams Fan bases. Fortunately, I was wrong, at least about the Nuggets, who have come into their own within a highly competitive Western Conference headed by the Surging Warriors who sit at a comfortable 38-7. This is mostly because of a blossoming sophomore within Nikola Jokic, who has single handedly changed the franchises fortunes and brought this team something it hasn’t had in a while, a Superstar. He is a medium sized Center who lacks superior athleticism, but has a knack for making the right play nearly every time he has the ball. Whether this big guy is passing it to a cutting Guard or Forward, posting up a for an easy layup or jump shot, or backing out to the three-point line and shooting above anyone who can guard him. He has over 148 assists just this season, making him one of the most dynamic centers in the league. It’s not all Jokic though, this whole team has a new feel to it, no longer do you get a sense of rebuild mode, the engines are running as currently they sit above the Trailblazers at 8th in the Western Conference, putting them in contention of the Playoffs, if they started today. 

With a good mix of veterans and young guys, giving them an upper hand on most teams. Being able to out run the Older teams using young guards Mudiay, Harris, Murray, and Barton, while also being able to slow the tempo and control the game against younger less experienced teams. Of course the nuggets still have a lot to work on if they want to make any real run in the Playoffs, but maybe as the trade deadline approaches we will get to see how serious this franchise is at doing such a task. Of course as a personal fan to nearly every player on this team except maybe a few, who I still respect highly, I don’t want to see anyone leave unless it’s for someone who will tip the scales even further paired up with Jokic. And sense it’s being discussed I might as well throw out what I believe could help the nuggets out quite a lot, a trade for someone who is simply a pure shooter, and could just bring fans back into the Pepsi Center, Paul George. He has been linked to a few trade rumors, though they could simply be that, though it makes sense after reportedly being unhappy with the current conditions with the Pacers. Nuggets have plenty to offer the Pacers, young skilled players, money, draft picks, you name it. This would also give George the opportunity to regain his NBA Superstar status alongside Jokic, and though it would take a lot of pieces for the pacers to give up their only Star, the Nuggets could still make a major playoff run, with one of the deepest rosters in the league and a George/Jokic combo which any Nuggets/ fan would be excited to watch.

Okay, it’s always fun to play General Manager of a team you don’t actually run, but enough of that for now. It is time to get back with how the nuggets are looking now, which has impressed not just the fans, but the League. Though I haven’t been able to personally see the games in person, I have watched every game I can, and it seems like finally after a year and a half of really poor crowd numbers the nuggets finally have a chance to regain the fan base they once had under George Karl. Though I have mainly given credit for the recent step up to Jokic, it’s been a team effort and for the first time we are getting a glimpse of our very bright future. Course the Trade Deadline could change all of this in the blink of an eye, but if the team stayed together until the end of the season I believe they would have a good chance to make the playoffs, maybe not making it very deep, but the drought would finally be over and it would be a jumpstart to refilling the Pepsi Center. Not to mention we would be doing this on a supposed rebuilding season, were still growing immensely every minute our young guys are on the court. They do show signs nearly every night of their youth, but as the season progresses these mistakes are becoming fewer and farther between. Give it another season and we’ll have real aspiration of the Finals, not just the Playoffs, and isn’t that the whole point anyway to make it to the finals, not just the playoffs. Playoffs! (In a Jim Mora voice) Before we even get to that point, the Nuggets need to find a way to fix their biggest problem, empty seats!

There is one thing that the nuggets need to work on if they want to rebuild their support, they need to build a superstar. Sounds hard, but it wouldn’t be for the Nuggets, they already have two or three players who can take on a star role, Gallinari is a Star in Europe, and Jokic is starting to get recognition internationally, along with Jamal who has every skillset needed to become a star just hasn’t had much success on the court yet as it is only his rookie season. Now from that list I would choose Jokic to build around, he is just too good and is having the on-court success now. Here comes the hard part though, and the Nuggets aren’t that great at this so they will probably have to come up with a lot of ways they could possibly do this, and in the end play pin the tail on the donkey to decide which is best, always trust fate if you have no idea. It was Easy for the nuggets to build around Carmelo, they already had Iverson and “Melo” was a sure Superstar coming out of High school and College. But this is different, nobody knows about Jokic yet and they will have to do a lot to build up his name. First, they need to get out to the kids! Children love Basketball, from the high flying dunks, Heart Pounding game winners, and mostly the extremely massive men who play. Enter in Jokic a 6,11 Center, with Point Guard skills, kids will be climbing all over him, begging their parents to take them to a game to watch one of the best in the game today. Kids are a start, but unfortunately they have limitations, for one most parent don’t allow their children to get out on school nights, so they need to keep up the promotions to draw in some of the young people living in Denver, especially one with beer, Coloradans love Beer! Many people on Colorado spend their nights at bars/taverns socializing over some drinks, and out with as many breweries exist in Denver alone, it’s hard to see why you even choose the same beer twice. The nuggets need to take advantage of this, having nights with specials on beers, making it more worth going and seeing a nuggets game while they drink, rather than just going to their local bar down the street. Course you don’t want to have the main attraction be beer, but this is Colorado and the nuggets need to fill their seats badly! Not to mention bringing in more people to the games, even if it’s not for the game itself it will benefit them in the future as these newcomers will have a chance to watch the Nuggets and hopefully want to come again.

I know it sounds wrong saying that more people are interested in beer then the Nuggets, but the first step to growing is accepting the facts.  Of course the Nuggets don’t need to do anything, just as they did with Carmelo they could just let “The Jokers” popularity grow and the nuggets along with it. This team has every opportunity in the world to get back to the old days, back when Pepsi Center was Sold Out nearly every night.